
Your time is valuable and to make the best use of it we offer both in-office appointments as well as virtual telehealth appointments.

Many providers both big (CVS, Anthem, Teladoc, etc) and small have shifted over the last few years to incorporate virtual healthcare to make feeling your best fit easier into your life. East West Wellness and Donna Sigmond have been providing distance health services for many years, but the last few years of telehealth systems improvement has allowed us to expand and offer exceptional care to more people.

We now use our EHR platform Jane to meet with patients across the US, as well as help our local patients fit appointments into their busy lives with ease. Jane allows us to easily connect with patients face to face while staying fully HIPAA, PIPEDA, and GDPR compliant.

Best of all, Jane does not require downloading another app, it works via your Chrome browser! It’s as easy as 1-2-3!

  1. Just click the emailed link

  2. You will be entered into our virtual waiting room

  3. We will let you into the appointment at your scheduled time