Telomere Testing

3 bushes shaped as chromosomes that represent the shortening of Telomeres, Telomere testing, East West Wellness

Ever wonder how old you really are…inside?

You probably know people who look younger than their years and some who probably look much older (you just don’t tell them that).

Telomeres are strings of DNA located at the ends of chromosomes.  Telomeres’ primary function is to prevent chromosomal “fraying” when a cell replicates.  As the cell ages, its telomeres become shorter.  Eventually, the telomeres become too short to allow cell replication, and the cell stops dividing and dies.  Thus, telomeres are a great snapshot of biological age.

Shorter and more damaged telomeres display accelerated aging and possibly a shorter life expectancy. It is also associated with structural changes in the brain leading to mild cognitive impairment, reduction of grey matter in the precuneus (a central brain region for metabolism), and certain neurodegenerative conditions.

Many nutritional and lifestyle strategies that support brain and sleep health can also support telomere health, as telomeres rejuvenate overnight.

The shortening of your telomeres is a normal biological process as we age, however with proper support you can minimize the fraying and slow the process. Our testing can determine the length of a patient’s telomeres in relation to the patient’s age and Dr. Donna’s expertise in Anti-Aging medicine and personalized nutrition can help you feel younger from the inside out!

Sample Report

**Testing Not Available in New York State**
