The Role of Nutrition and Lifestyle on Maintaining Brain Health

Your brain is the control center of your body. Optimal brain function also goes beyond helping you to think and remember clearly; Your brain helps to regulate the rest of your body, like your breathing, temperature, hunger, and hormones. Science can show us how to support healthy brain function and the importance of keeping it healthy as possible, for as long as possible.

Food & Nutrition for Healthy Brain Function

Cars can’t run on empty, and neither can we! Food and nutrition are necessary to efficiently respond to the daily demands on our bodies. There are foods and nutrients that promote a healthy brain, by slowing cognitive decline and reducing your risk of aging-related diseases, such as Alzheimer’s. University researchers developed the MIND diet, a variation of the Mediterranean diet, to emphasize foods that are rich in antioxidants and critical brain nutrients. While research into the MIND diet is promising, the Mediterranean diet is still the preferred diet for brain health by many practitioners due to it being lower in red meat and saturated fats.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids are a group of essential fats that promote heart and brain health. Some of the best sources of Omega-3s are fatty fish such as salmon, herring, and sardines. The MIND diet recommends at least one serving of fish each week, but preferably everyone should be getting at least 4 servings a week for optimal brain health. If you don’t love fish, Omega-3s are also found in nuts and seeds such as flax, chia, walnuts, and soy.

  • A modern concern with the high consumption of fish is possible toxicity issues. There has been some concern in the last few years with rising levels of mercury, polychlorinated biphenyls (BCBs), pesticides, selenium, and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) found in commonly consumed fishes.

  • If these are a concern, then make sure to look for the following fish that have low to no toxins: sardines, mackerels, herring, kipper, and canned baby trout.

Eating More Plants

Plants contain more than just vitamins and minerals, they’re also a great source of fiber and antioxidant phytochemicals. Eating more plants helps more than only your brain, it’s also associated with better heart health, reducing inflammation, and weight maintenance.

Some of the top plants for brain health are deeply-colored fruits and vegetables like berries, leafy greens, and broccoli. It is recommended you eat vegetables every day, at least six servings of greens each week, at least 4 servings of beans/legumes each week, and at least two servings of berries each week.

Spices and Chocolate

Did you know spices such as turmeric, cinnamon, ginger, and also dark and unsweetened chocolate contain antioxidants called flavonoids? These compounds can help improve blood flow to the brain, are known to have neuroprotective effects, and help reduce inflammation.

  • As with any food, be sure to make informed choices in what foods you consume. There has been a growing number of chocolate products in the U.S. that contain toxins. As You Sow, an organization that holds corporations accountable for their products, has been gathering data since 2014 on the health risks of lead and cadmium found in commercial chocolate products. The list of popular “organic” and “healthier” chocolates that contain high levels of these toxins is quite shocking. Check their list out to see if your favorite chocolate is on the nice or naughty list!

Coffee and Tea

Did you know that coffee can help to improve your memory and ward off dementia? Research shows that up to three cups or 24 oz of black coffee per day is recommended. Coffee doesn’t just contain caffeine; it also has a variety of bioactive compounds. Current knowledge shows the main neuroprotective effects come from the following bioactive compounds; caffeine, chlorogenic acid, caffeic acid, trigonelline, kahweol, and cafestol. Keep in mind that caffeine may not be right for everyone and excessive consumption can lead to other negative health effects such as high cholesterol and high blood pressure.

Black and green teas also contain great antioxidants for brain health. Studies have started to link drinking tea to more efficient structural organization in the brain, and suggests a protective effect on the aging brain!

Moderate Amounts of Red Wine

Resveratrol is a compound found in red wine and the skin of red grapes. It is an antioxidant and demonstrates an ability to reduce cell damage, protect against the formation of plaques in the brain, and protect against memory decline in neurodegenerative disorders. Try to stick with no more than one glass of red wine per day, as consuming too much alcohol has a negative effect on the brain and liver. You can also get resveratrol from consuming grapes, most berries (blueberries, raspberries, mulberries), and peanuts.

Whole Grains

Whole grains like oats and quinoa are rich in brain-healthy B-vitamins and fiber, making them an important part of the MIND diet. B-vitamins aid the brain in creating energy, repairing DNA, maintaining neuron development, and creating essential neurochemicals for optimal function. B-vitamins also reduce the harmful effects of free radicals that can damage the cells in our bodies.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is also known as the “sunshine” vitamin because your skin makes it when it’s exposed to the sun. Research shows that low levels of vitamin D are associated with increased risks for brain disorders such as Alzheimer’s. You can increase your vitamin D levels by going in the sun for 15-20 minutes daily. You may need slightly more time if you have darker skin or live in a more northern latitude. It’s further suggested that after 15-20 minutes of sunshine, you can begin to apply your sunscreen. 

Limit Red Meat & Saturated Fats

Consuming too many foods high in saturated fats is linked with an increased risk for heart disease and Alzheimer’s disease. The recommendation is no more than 1 serving of red meat a week because red meat is too high in dietary saturated fat for most people. Try limiting your red meat and other saturated fat sources such as butter, solid fats (oils that are solid at room temp like coconut and palm oil), processed foods, and dairy whenever possible. Substitute saturated fats by adding more fish, white meats, beans, lentils, and soy to your diet.

5 Easy Lifestyle Choices for Healthy Brain Function

Exercising for Optimal Brain Function

Exercise is incredibly beneficial for physical and mental fitness. It helps de-stress, improve sleep, and keep your heart, lungs, and muscles healthy. What’s more, being physically active is a fundamental pillar of brain health. There are several types of exercise and all are beneficial.

Aerobic exercise, also known as “cardio” or “endurance” exercise, helps to get your heart rate up and your muscles warm. Examples of aerobic exercises include biking, swimming, running, and climbing stairs. This type of exercise benefits the brain by increasing oxygen to the brain, preserving existing brain cells, increasing cerebrovascular flow, and improving neuroplasticity. Aerobic exercises are also a key component in mitigating medical conditions, such as hypertension or type 2 diabetes, which significantly increases the risk of developing cognitive impairment later in life.

Another type of exercise is resistance strength training, such as pushing or pulling weights or other heavy objects (like groceries). This is known to strengthen your bones, and it also preserves muscle strength and muscle mass. Strength training has been found to promote the signaling between skeletal muscles and the brain, AKA exercise-induced communication, which is a protective factor against neurodegenerative diseases, like Parkinson’s disease. It has also been found to help enhance concentration and improve decision-making skills.

Stress Reduction for Brain Function

We all experience stress- it’s how the body and brain react to threats, demands, and stressors. These reactions are often called “fight, flight or freeze” responses, which look like increased heart rate & breathing, and a heightened sense of hyper-focus. All of these physiological reactions are initiated by the brain when it detects a ‘threat,’ however that looks.

Once the threat is gone, the stress response begins to relax and your body and brain can regain their normal (“low/no stress”) balance. However, sometimes that stress lingers on for days, weeks, or months (or longer) and becomes long-term or “chronic” stress. Chronic stress is not always what your brain perceives as stress- it can be whatever your body perceives as stress. Some examples would be chronic inflammation or poor sleep from sleep apnea, which can negatively impact your brain. It can effectively shrink the part of your brain responsible for memory and learning (your “prefrontal cortex”) and can increase the part of your brain that is receptive to stress (your “amygdala”).

While stress cannot be eliminated entirely, you can learn effective techniques to better manage it and preserve your brain health. One very practical—but often difficult—strategy is to “just say no” to things you don’t actually have to do. Turning down unnecessary opportunities to take on more responsibility may help reduce the amount of stress you feel.

Another effective way to manage stress is calming the mind through meditation or guided imagery can help reduce the feelings of stress by refocusing your attention on something positive and soothing.

Sleeping for Optimal Brain Function

We know that getting your 7-9 hours of sleep each night helps your mood and ability to manage stress. Sleep also allows you to be better able to plan and run your busy life and ensure that you can have the energy to do what you need to do to maintain and improve your well-being.

One of the most important things you can do to get enough sleep is to foster a regular sleep schedule. Proper circadian rhythms and well-regulated sleep have been found to regulate the movement of molecules across the blood brain barrier which is essential for healthy neural processes. By going to bed and waking up at about the same time daily—including weekends and when you’re traveling—you “train” your body and brain to get on a schedule.

Another strategy to help you get more sleep is to create a relaxing bedtime routine. That routine can start an hour (or more) before you need to sleep and can include things like dimming lights, putting your screens away (no more TV, internet, or phones), listening to soothing music, reading a book, or having a warm relaxing bath.

Whatever helps you get your sleep is going to also help your brain.


Staying connected to a network of people you care about can help reduce stress, improve mood and cognition, and help to feel more supported in life.

You can socialize informally or spontaneously (like walking or chatting with a neighbor) or you can join organized activities like hobby groups, sports teams, or volunteering opportunities. The brain benefits of socializing even extend beyond people- it extends to our pets. Studies show how our pets help us feel calm, improve our health, and enhance our social lives, all of which benefits your brain.

Medications and Supplements

Depending on your personal health situation, you may be advised to take medications or supplements. These can be important to reducing your risks for serious conditions, managing chronic inflammation & discomfort, and slowing down the progression of diseases. Some of the medical conditions that are linked to deteriorating brain health include high blood pressure, blood sugar dysregulation such as hypoglycemia, pre-diabetes or diabetes, and excess weight. These can increase your risks of cognitive decline (reduced memory and ability to think) and developing dementia.

If your healthcare provider is recommending medications or supplements, be sure to take them as directed, purchase pharmaceutical-grade products (quality matters), and be proactive in monitoring or follow-up required testing.

Final Thoughts

There are many things you can do to bolster your brain health. They include a number of healthy habits such as getting exercise, reducing stress, getting enough sleep, socializing with others (or with pets), and following recommendations for medications and supplements. When it comes to food and nutrition for brain health, try to get enough omega-3s, more plants, spices and chocolate, coffee and tea, vitamin D, and possibly a bit of red wine. Limit the amount of red meat and other foods high in saturated fats you consume.

Interested in learning more about how you can implement these six essential brain health strategies into your life? Worried about your risks for Alzheimer’s disease or dementia? Working with a healthcare practitioner can be beneficial. Click here to book an appointment with Dr. Donna today.


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